LUMS and USAID Launch Report on Electric Vehicles in Pakistan


US Consul General in Lahore Mr. William K. Makaneole visited LUMS on November 10, 2021, for the launch of the report, 'Electric Vehicles and Battery Market Assessment'. This report is a joint project between the LUMS Energy Institute and USAID. 

Also present at the launch were Ms. Jenna Diallo, Director, Office of Energy, USAID; Rector, LUMS, Mr. Shahid Hussain; Vice Chancellor, LUMS, Dr. Arshad Ahmad, and Dr. Naveed Arshad, Director, LUMS Energy Institute. 

The report outlines how the transport sector in Pakistan has seen a significant increase and showcases the potential for partnerships and investment opportunities in the electric vehicle industry. The Energy Institute has been at the forefront of designing Pakistan’s EV policy, supported by USAID. 

“We believe US and Pakistani companies can partner to bring high-quality electric vehicles and technologies to Pakistan to kickstart the electric vehicle market,” Consul General Makaneole said. This report will help public and private sectors make smart investment decisions, he added. 

Vice Chancellor of LUMS, Dr. Arshad Ahmad acknowledged USAID’s support to the University and said, “It is through these collaborations that we contribute to building a Pakistan in harmony with the new ecology of climate change and sustainability for generations to come.”




Faculty at LUMS are working to come up with solutions through collaboration and interdisciplinary expertise, he added. “This report is also an example of how LUMS is tackling some of Pakistan’s grand challenges including climate change, water management, entrepreneurship and of course energy-related challenges.”

Dr. Naveed Arshad highlighted how the country is currently facing a climate crisis which includes an increase in temperatures as well as the presence of toxic gases in the air we breathe. “This report is a collective effort and is the first step in the journey towards electrification of vehicles in Pakistan,” he said.